All of my prints begin as a drawing - sometimes even just a quick, scribbly sketch.Once I am happy with my design I re-draw the image (in reverse) onto my chosen plate and start working into it with my printmakers’ tools.
My prints are ‘limited edition’ originals, which means that together they form a select number of prints taken from one finished plate - usually copper, zinc, perspex or even cardboard - that I have manipulated with specialist printmaking tools.
I usually use intaglio methods such as collagraph, drypoint, etching or mezzotint; in these a design has been cut, engraved or carved below the surface. Printmaking is not a process that can be rushed - each print in an edition takes time to make as the plate is carefully inked up by hand to be rolled through the press for every print.
When my plate is ready to be printed I 'ink up': ink is pushed into the lines and burrs created during the engraving process. Then the white parts of the image are wiped clean and polished with tissue paper.
Don't let the speed of the video here fool you... it is a slow, meditative and considered process!
When ready, I pop the plate onto the etching press bed and place pre-dampened printmaking paper over it; this is then rolled between the heavy rollers of the printing press to push the ink held in the lines/dots/burrs onto the paper above.

The plate is then re-inked, wiped and printed for each subsequent copy - never a speedy process, but always a labour of love!